Kindle is run by enthusiastic leaders who provide a programme that's fun, social, and aims to meet the needs of primary aged girls in our local community (Year 1-8). It is a place where girls can make new friends, play games, develop new skills, grow confidence, and learn about faith.
Every term explores a different Bible theme. Parents can join in during the sessions if they want to, or can drop off and pick up at the end of the evening. It runs Monday fortnightly during term time at Kingston Community Church and costs $5 per term. Let us know if you need help with transport.
If you would like to know more please contact Jasmine on 022 091 2856
Fortnightly during term time.
10 February
Monday (6pm-7:30pm)​
24 February
Monday (6pm-7:30pm)
10 March
Monday (6pm-7:30pm)
24 March
Monday (6pm-7:30pm)
7 April
Monday (6pm-7:30pm)
This term we are exploring a new series called 'Beginnings' in the book of Genesis. In these lessons we learn about God and the origin of the world, people, sin, judgement and rescue.
Our memory verses this term is from John 1:1-3
"In the beginning was the one who is called the Word. The Word was with God and we truly God. From the very beginning the Word was with God. And with this Word, God created all things. Nothing was made without the Word."