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As we continue to reflect on prayer as a Church family, last week we asked the question... What is your reason to pray? The heart of prayer is crying out to God to find a hope in who He is, and the assurance of his plans and purposes. The disciples found prayer a challenge. Maybe that is why they specifically asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). They needed to learn to pray. Jesus’ response was to provide a foundation for all prayers. ‘Our Father…’ (Matthew 6:9) Prayer starts with embracing relationships. My relationship with God as Father, but also ‘our’ relationship with God as father. It is about praying as a child of God and as part of the family of God. That means that when we pray, we are making sure we don’t fall into an individualistic mindset. I am praying as one who is not just in a personal relationship with God, but as part of a community of people who are in relationship with God. We come to God both individually but also as a family before God as our Father. The one who listens and hears. Is compassionate and loving. Who has made the way possible through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, for us to be adopted into his family. The same God who establishes the relationship we enjoy as children of God, is the Father who inclines his ear to hear us. When we pray “Our Father,” we are acknowledging his closeness, provision, wisdom, patience, love and so much more. What does it mean for you to speak to God as “Our Father”? May we be a church family who pray to God as our Father. Together seeking Him as children of the one true God. “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1) ‘Our Father…’ (Matthew 6:9)

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