So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11–13
Being a follower of Jesus is a journey of equipping, learning, and serving.
At KCC we have a range of opportunities to help grow us more into what God
made us for.
If you have a heart to learn and grow, these are for you.
Which of these opportunities do you want to get involved in?

WHO: 13+ years and above
WHY: I want to learn how to read and respond to the Bible in a right way
WHEN: 10 group sessions - 1 hour each
You will be guided through a range of tools, that will help you see the God of the Bible and what He is revealing to you.

WHO: Adults
WHY: I want to dig deeper into the core foundations truths of our faith.
WHEN: Group sessions across the year.
A chance to see the relationship between core truths of the Bible and how they shape our knowledge and experience of God.

WHO: Parents
WHY: I want to learn more about the biblical journey of raising & discipling my children.
WHEN: 6 small group sessions
An opportunity to explore and learn together with a small group of other parents, how we can parent with Godly purpose. How we can love with boundaries as God designed.

WHO: All ages
WHY: I want to learn what is at the heart of the gospel and then share with others.
WHEN: 10 group sessions - 1 hour each
Grow in knowing the Gospel, but also grow through the truth of the Gospel, that saves and transforms us.

WHO: 17+ years and above
WHY: I want to spend some focused time learning through ministry.
WHEN: 5 or 10 month commitment.
An opportunity to serve alongside the KCC staff and be equipped and trained in ministry, while growing your walk with God.