One of the most common ways that we speak of the church is as a place or an event. But this isn't how the Bible describes the church. Instead, the Bible describes the church as God’s people in community.
What is God’s intention for His church?
God defines and displays community in Himself. He invites us into true community, true family. He reveals to us what it means to be part of Gods family, a body of believers, a living temple.
This series will grow our understanding and response to a community that God initiates but also invites us to be a part of.
THE PEOPLE OF GOD - 1 Peter 2:9-10
God lives in community, Father, Son, and Spirit. God is knowable and He reveals Himself to us. He reveals the nature of community, and then invites us into being a part of His community. Invites us to be His people.
The church is the people of God, who stand in community with those God has called across biblical history. The church exists because of the God who called them and formed them in and through Christ.
The church has their origin in the eternal purposes of God. It is the new covenant community of Jesus, rooted in Israel, constructed by Jesus, and inaugurated by the Holy Spirit.
God’s community is the people of God. God’s community - Our community.
THE FAMILY OF GOD - Galatians 3:23-4:7
The church is not a club or an organisation that we can participate in or opt-out of. God’s people are our family. God’s church, the family of God, is a group of people in relationship with Him, who do life together.
We are made family by the person and work of Jesus. We are a family that is increasingly to look like our older brother, Jesus.
God’s community is the family of God. God’s community is our community.
THE BODY OF CHRIST - 1 Corinthians 12:12-31
When God entered this world in the person of Jesus, He took on a physical body. Jesus demonstrated the love of God clearly, tangibly, and boldly. Christ continues His work in the world through the Church. We are to be demonstrating the love of God clearly, tangibly, and boldly. Functioning as the Body of Christ.
It is important we grasp the relationship between Christ and the church. Jesus founded the church and is the expression of God on this earth. The church is God’s people gathered around Christ the head of the body.
Our hearts, minds and actions are to be shaped by the one who reveals to us what it looks like to be in God’s community. Jesus Christ – Son of God, Son of man.
God’s community is the body of Christ. God’s community is our community.
A LIVING TEMPLE - 2 Corinthians 3:16-17
What the church is to do, is first to be shaped by who the church is.
We, the church, God’s community, are a living temple. The church is where God dwells. With our foundation is in Christ, through the indwelling Spirit, to minister God’s grace to others.
God’s Community. Our Community.
What does it mean for you to be a part of God’s community?